New Interview: Transitional justice should also address root causes of the conflict.

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD on interview by The Kathmandu Post

“A section of human rights defenders kept attacking the commissions. When the commissions were set up, they even appealed for a boycott of the process. The call for a boycott created fissures between the Kathmandu-based rights defenders and victims. We, the victims, decided to critically engage with the commissions and registered our complaints.”

Read the full Interview: Transitional justice should also address root causes of the conflict.

New Article: संक्रमणकालीन न्याय : बिचौलियाको फन्दामा

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on Nagarik News.

“हाम्रो सन्दर्भमा संक्रमणकालीन न्याय प्रक्रिया कहिल्यै पनि भुइँ तहबाट उठेर गएको आधिकारिक प्रक्रिया बन्न सकेन। अहिलेको संक्रमणकालीन न्याय तथा मेलमिलाप पहलले आम समाजले खोजेको निष्पक्ष र सुरक्षित भविष्य बनाउने कुरा निश्चित गर्दैन तथा पीडितका आवश्यकता र मागलाई पनि सम्बोधन गर्न सक्दैन।”

Read the full article here: संक्रमणकालीन न्याय : बिचौलियाको फन्दामा

New Article: My disappeared father

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an opinion-editorial on The Kathmandu Post.

The current political transition in Nepal is historic and important. However, how are we going to accept it when the political elite have re-established a polity in which all major political actors have consolidated their positions and ensured a continuation of politically consensus-based, impunity-driven system without considering the elements of transitional justice—truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition?


Read the full Article here: My disappeared father

New Article: The ageing warriors

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article in The Kathmandu Post.


“The authorities are destroying evidence, politically manipulating the sufferers and politicizing the memory of war without honoring them and their families. The ruling and the opposition parties, the Nepal Army and the belligerent sides have come together to find an exit policy–not to provide justice to the victims but to protect themselves.”

Read the full article here: The ageing warriors.

New Article: Give me some truth

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on The Kathmandu Post.

“The government has not been able to deliver justice to the victims or fulfill its national commitments and international obligations. Instead, the government has withdrawn hundreds of war crime cases to protect senior political figures and avoided implementing the recommendations made by the National Human Rights Commission and the Supreme Court.”


Read the full article here:Give me some truth.

New Article: बेपत्ताका परिवारलाई बेवास्ता

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on Kantipur Daily.

 संक्रमणकालीन न्याय प्रक्रियाका सम्बन्धमा पीडितले आन्दोलनमार्फत न्यायमा पहुँच हुनुपर्ने, परिवारजनलाई आर्थिक सहयोग हुनुपर्ने, आफ्ना प्रियजनको अवस्थाबारे सत्य स्थापित हुनुपर्ने जस्ता प्रस्ट माग अघि सारेका छन् । असमानता र असुरक्षा बढ्दै गएको सन्दर्भमा नेपालको राजनीतिक तथा न्याय व्यवस्थाबाट द्वन्द्वपीडित समुदाय सीमान्तीकरणमा परिरहेका छन्, लाञ्छित छन् तथा शक्तिहीन बनाइएका छन् ।

Read the full article here: बेपत्ताका परिवारलाई बेवास्ता

New Article:Nepal’s draft transitional justice amendments must be improved, say victims.

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on


“Crimes like torture and enforced disappearances remain undefined in the draft amendment, meaning major offenders may slip through the cracks, according to rights groups. A provision in the proposed legislation for community service as an alternative punishment to prison time has also riled campaigners, who say it amounts to impunity.”

Read the full article here:Nepal’s draft transitional justice amendments must be improved, say victims.

New Article:A Colombian model in the Himalayas?

Ram Bhandari, Founder of NEFAD published an article in The Kathmandu Post.

“The victims’ movement has always tried to change this approach to a victim-centric logic: focused on victims’ needs and victims’ rights. This was hard as the government insisted on borrowing from other models, like South Africa. Now, the government claims inspiration from Colombia, but  any international experience needs to be validated through consultation.”

Read the full article here: A Colombian model in the Himalayas?

New Article: Transitional justice amendment in Nepal not “acceptable” , according to victims

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on

“There have been questions of implementation of previous agreements made by the political parties and commitment to respecting rule of law and human rights that is a big question of political accountability in Nepal.”


Read the full article here: Transitional justice amendment in Nepal not “acceptable” , according to victims