The National Network of Victims and Survivors of Serious Human Rights Abuses (NNVS) in Nepal submitted an appeal to the UN Secretary-General on 12 October 2023.

New Article: इतिहासको अदालतमा संक्रमणकालीन न्याय

Ram Bhandari, founder and director of NEFAD Nepal published an article on Nagarik Dainik.

संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघीय मानव अधिकार उच्चायुक्तको कार्यालयको सन् २०१२ को नेपालसम्बन्धी द्वन्द्व प्रतिवेदन, मानव अधिकार समितिमा परेका युद्ध अपराध सम्बन्धी घटना र सिफारिसहरू तथा विश्वव्यापी आवधिक समीक्षा (युपिआर २०११, २०१५, २०२१) मा नेपालमाथि उठेका संक्रमण कालीन न्यायका प्रश्नहरूले नेपाल अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय फोरमहरूमा न्याय अवरोध गर्ने राष्ट्रका रूपमा दर्ज भएको छ।

Read the Article here: इतिहासको अदालतमा संक्रमणकालीन न्याय

News Bulletin: Remote Advocacy Produces A Local Breakthrough for Conflict Survivors in Nepal

Advocacy Project published a news bulletin on Remote Advocacy by the Conflict Survivors in Nepal.

“Justice goes local in Nepal: Families of the disappeared are going back to their villages to search for the truth and explain their horrific loss. Read about Ram’s big breakthrough in Marsyangdi on the trail of his father, a former teacher who disappeared in 2001.”

Click here to download the full news:

New Article:बेपत्ता परिवारको अदृश्य पीडा

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article in Naya Patrika.

बिपिन तिमी कहाँ छौ ? 

मलाई सम्झना छ, बिपिन युवा विद्यार्थीमाझ प्रिय र जनयुद्धको चहकिलो प्रकाश थियो । गणतन्त्रको सपना बोकेको एउटा युवा बीचबाटोमै बेपत्ता हुनुप¥यो । तिनकै सपनाको जगमा स्थापित गणतन्त्र तिनै सपनाको तेजोबोध गर्दै भ्रष्टीकरणमा लम्कँदो छ । 

Read the full article here:बेपत्ता परिवारको अदृश्य पीडा

New Article: Nepal: the long road to justice

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD Nepal published an opinion on

After a violent war, society needs to find a way of laying past to rest so that it can build a common vision for the future. If the past is not addressed properly then it will be difficult for people to trust institutions of the State. The truth, economic support and materialization as a part of public recognition are priorities of the victims to be achieved through the processes, majority victims seek social justice rather than legal ones. 

Read the full Article here: Nepal: the long road to justice