New Article: In Nepal, impunity for perpetrators

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on

 “The ongoing transitional justice bodies have spent 3 years, and failed to investigate alleged perpetrators due to political pressure and threats by the security forces that have heavily affected the commissions’ daily work, as a major cause of failing victims expectation. This case event of pardoning convicted persons may affect the whole transitional justice process negatively.”

Read the full article here: Opinion : in Nepal, impunity for perpetrators

New Article: Unhealed wounds

Ram Kumar Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on The Kathmandu Post.

“The new government has been repeatedly stressing the need ‘to move forward for stability’. However, the justice process cannot be sacrificed in the name of stability or whatever alliance to defend past crimes.”

Read the full article here:Unhealed wounds 

New Article:Pressure needed to save transitional justice in Nepal

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on

“This is an important time to keep up the pressure. Without truth and justice, the so-called stability agenda will not only fail to deliver, it risks creating social conflict and a culture of revenge, resulting in an uncertain future.”

Read the full article here:Pressure needed to save transitional justice in Nepal

New Article: Waiting and waiting

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article in The Kathmandu Post.

“The government has intentionally been playing a role to divide the actors to benefit politically. “Family associations and activists are against such political manipulation that will further weaken the commission’s process and strengthen the role of perpetrators who are under investigation by the commissions,” said Gita Rasaili, a victims’ advocate based in Kathmandu.”

Read the full article here:Waiting and waiting

New Article: Nepal’s victims want real results from transitional justice

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published a blog post opinion on

“The victims’ critical engagement with the commission process continues in a constructive manner so as to maximize the results that both commissions must achieve, as well as developing a policy of inclusion in all procedures for the victims. If the commissions again fail to fulfil victims’ demands for truth seeking and justice, people will lose faith in these mechanisms, raising serious questions of credibility for the future course of justice”


Read the full article here:Nepal’s victims want real results from transitional justice 

New Blog post : The Disappeared and the Question of Justice: A Story from Nepal

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published a blog-post on Harvard Human Right Journal.

“Nepal’s decade-long civil war saw thousands of ordinary people become victims of both parties to the conflict, with thousands killed, wounded, tortured, raped, and displaced. Perhaps the most enduring legacy of conflict, however, are the missing and the disappeared, whose families still wait for information about the fate of loved ones and for the chance to locate the dead, retrieve their remains, and ensure appropriate rituals are made”

Read the full article here: The Disappeared and the Question of Justice: A Story from Nepal

New Article:Confronting transitional justice in Nepal

Ram Bhandari, founder of NEFAD published an article on JusticeInfo. Net.

“In Nepal, former parliamentarian and prominent Maoist leader Bal Krishna Dhungel was arrested on October 31, 2017 in Kathmandu and sent to jail. He had been found guilty in 2004 of killing Ujjan Kumar Shrestha of Okhaldhunga district, in the eastern hills of Nepal in 1998, at the beginning of the Maoist “Peoples’ War”.

Read the full article here: Confronting transitional justice in Nepal